Registration Form: June 2024

Encountering Matthew's Besorah (Gospel)

Rabbi Barney Kasdan, in addition to leading his synagogue  for over 40 years, has become a well known and respected Messianic Jewish author. One of his more recent offerings is his 400-page commentary on this Gospel -- "Matthew Presents Yeshua, King Messiah" (Messianic Jewish Publishers) This account of Yeshua’s life clearly echoes the patterns of Jewish life and thought of first century Israel. Be prepared to be transported to the world of Yeshua the Messiah as recorded by this first of the four Gospels we find in Jewish canon! 

Thursdays: June 6, 13, 20 and 27 at 7:00 PM Eastern

Instructor: Rabbi Barney Kasdan




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I have read the above statement and understand that by joining the class via Zoom I am giving my permission to be part of the recorded class that will be made available to others at a later date.

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